The global virome (is a network)

There are many hosts, and many, many more viruses. This creates a lot of interesting research questions about the integration of data, the prediction of interactions from very sparse information, and the transformation of these predictions into action.

NCBITaxonomy.jl - Rapid Biological Names Finding and Reconciliation
T. Poisot R. Gibb S.J. Ryan C.J. Carlson
Ongoing Worldwide Homogenization of Human Pathogens
T. Poisot C. Nunn S. Morand
Data Proliferation, Reconciliation, and Synthesis in Viral Ecology
R. Gibb G.F. Albery D.J. Becker L. Brierley R. Connor T.A. Dallas E.A. Eskew M.J. Farrell A.L. Rasmussen S.J. Ryan A. Sweeny C.J. Carlson T. Poisot
The Science of the Host-Virus Network
G.F. Albery D.J. Becker L. Brierley C.E. Brook R.C. Christofferson L.E. Cohen T.A. Dallas E.A. Eskew A. Fagre M.J. Farrell E. Glennon S. Guth M.B. Joseph N. Mollentze B.A. Neely T. Poisot A.L. Rasmussen S.J. Ryan S. Seifert A.R. Sjodin E.M. Sorrell C.J. Carlson
The Global Virome in One Network (VIRION): An Atlas of Vertebrate-Virus Associations
C.J. Carlson R.J. Gibb G.F. Albery L. Brierley R.P. Connor T.A. Dallas E.A. Eskew A.C. Fagre M.J. Farrell H.K. Frank R.L. Muylaert T. Poisot A.L. Rasmussen S.J. Ryan S.N. Seifert
Network Embedding Unveils the Hidden Interactions in the Mammalian Virome
T. Poisot M.A. Ouellet N. Mollentze M.J. Farrell D.J. Becker L. Brierley G.F. Albery R.J. Gibb S.N. Seifert C.J. Carlson
A Minimum Data Standard for Wildlife Disease Studies
T. Stevens R. Zimmerman G. Albery D. Becker R. Kading C. Keiser S. Khandelwal S. Kramer-Schadt R. Krut-Landau C. McKee D. Montecino-Latorre Z. O’Donoghue S. Olson T. Poisot H. Robertson S. Ryan S. Seifert D. Simons A. Vicente-Santos C. Wood E. Graeden C. Carlson