Variation of species interactions

Interactions vary over time and space. But how? How much? Which mechanisms are responsible? We work on quantifying and understanding the variation of ecological interactions, and its consequences for ecological networks in space.

Deciphering Probabilistic Species Interaction Networks
F. Banville T. Strydom P. Blyth C. Brimacombe M. Catchen G. Dansereau G. Higino T. Malpas H. Mayall K. Norman D. Gravel T. Poisot
Describe, Understand and Predict: Why Do We Need Networks in Ecology?
T. Poisot D.B. Stouffer S. Kéfi
Dissimilarity of Species Interaction Networks: Quantifying the Effect of Turnover and Rewiring
T. Poisot
The Dissimilarity of Species Interaction Networks
T. Poisot E. Canard D. Mouillot N. Mouquet D. Gravel
Facultative and Obligate Parasite Communities Exhibit Different Network Properties
T. Poisot M. Stanko D. Miklisová S. Morand
Beyond Species: Why Ecological Interaction Networks Vary Through Space and Time
T. Poisot D.B. Stouffer D. Gravel
Hosts, Parasites and Their Interactions Respond to Different Climatic Variables
T. Poisot C. Guéveneux-Julien M.J. Fortin D. Gravel P. Legendre