Collaborative side projects

This is a list of projects that are not fully related to what the lab is doing, but that we worked on because they we thought they were really cool.

High-Throughput Sequencing: A Roadmap Toward Community Ecology
T. Poisot B. Péquin D. Gravel
The Spread of a Novel Behavior in Wild Chimpanzees: New Insights Into the Ape Cultural Mind
T. Gruber T. Poisot K. Zuberbühler W. Hoppitt C. Hobaiter
Functional Diversity: An Epistemic Roadmap
C. Malaterre A.C. Dussault E. Mermans G. Barker B.E. Beisner F. Bouchard E. Desjardins I.T. Handa S.W. Kembel G. Lajoie V. Maris A.D. Munson J. Odenbaugh T. Poisot B.J. Shapiro C.A. Suttle
Disease Ecology and Pathogeography: Changing the Focus to Better Interpret and Anticipate Complex Environment–host–pathogen Interactions
J.F. Guégan T. Poisot B.A. Han J. Olivero
Homogenization of Species Composition and Species Association Networks Are Decoupled
D. Li T. Poisot D.M. Waller B. Baiser
A Social–ecological Geography of Southern Canadian Lakes
A. Dupont M. Botrel N.F. St-Gelais T. Poisot R. Maranger
Social Network Analysis Shows Direct Evidence for Social Transmission of Tool Use in Wild Chimpanzees
C. Hobaiter T. Poisot K. Zuberbühler W. Hoppitt T. Gruber
Wind Drives Microbial Eukaryote Communities in a Temperate Closed Lagoon
B. Péquin V. Mohit T. Poisot R. Tremblay C. Lovejoy
Effects of Recreational Fishing of Paracentrotus Lividus on Populations of Sea Urchins in Mediterranean
A. Tessier T. Poisot P. Romans Y. Desdevises