
Current members

Timothée Poisot

Ecologist. Teaches data analysis, ecological modelling, and responsible use of data. Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Université de Montréal

Ariane Bussières-Fournel

2024, B.Sc. research assistant. Sero-prevalence of Canine Distemper Virus over an urbanisation gradient.

Ben Kaza

2024-, Verena graduate fellow-in-residence. Signatures of viral pathogenenis in high-dimensional datasets.

Cristian Cruz Rodriguez

2023-, Ph.D. Large-scale modeling of land-use change to support conservation policy-making.

Emily Beasley

2023-, Post-doctoral researcher. Optimized spatial sampling of epidemic processes.

Francis Banville

2025-, Post-doctoral researcher. Indicators and essential variables for One Health and host-virus interactions. 2020-2024, Ph.D. Machine Learning techniques for food web structure inference at the planetary scale. Co-advisor: Dominique Gravel

Gabriel Dansereau

2021-, Ph.D. Quantification of the structural originality of food webs over continuous spatial scales. 2019-2021, M.Sc. Development of beta-diversity measures for spatially continuous hotspot identification. Co-advisor: Pierre Legendre.

Maria Isabel Arce Plata

2022-, Ph.D. Machine learning for the upscaling of field observation of plant functional traits. Co-advisor: Natalia Norden.

Marianne Houle

2025-, M.Sc. Interpretable ML for the identification of zoonotic reservoirs.

Mathis Goyat

2025-, B.Sc. research assistant. Best practices for SDM validation reporting.

Michael D. Catchen

2024-, Post-doctoral researcher. Computer vision tools for ecological niche modeling.

Norma Forero

2020-, Ph.D. Machine Learning and Data Synthesis for the prediction of viral spillover events. Co-advisor: Patrick Leighton

Former members

Alexandrine Frappier

2018, BSc research assistant. Review of best practices to use image recognition software on wildlife cameras.

Alice Doucet Beaupré

2022-, Post-doctoral researcher. Unsupervised learning and uncertainty quantification for network prediction.

Amélie Muller

2015, M.Sc. Understanding how management programs could gain from studying the variability of plant-pollinator interactions.

Andréanne Dupont

2019-, M.Sc. Biogeography of lakes ecosystem services. Advisor: Roxane Maranger.

Andrew MacDonald

2019-2020, Post-doctoral researcher. Development of biodiversity indicators for the governmental monitoring of biodiversity. 2018-2019, Post-doctoral researcher. High-throughput processing of camera-trap data.

Aude Rebattet

2023-, M.Sc. research assistant. Temporal dynamics of landcape connectivity and zoonotic risk.

Camille Rondeau Saint-Jean

2021-, M.Sc. Deep-learning for the bioacousting monitoring of bird communities.

Charles Cusson

2016, IT. Development of a responsive interface for the database.

Christophe Benjamin

2017, BSc research assistant. Automated extraction of phylogenetic data from species interaction networks.

Cole Brookson

2024, visiting Ph.D. Quantifying predictability of environmental change and disease dynamics.

Cynthia Guéveneux-Julien

2015-2016, BSc Hons. Planification, management, and restoration of landscape connectivity in the Laurentians. 2015, BSc research assisant. Environmental drivers of host-parasite interaction variability.

Daphnée Lecours-Tessier

2018-2020, M.Sc. Blue-green connectivity and ecosystem integrity in the Laurentians. Co-advisor: Roxane Maranger. 2017-2018, B.Sc. research assistant. Best practices for the development and implementation of ecological corridors. Co-advisor: Roxane Maranger.

Dominique Caron

2017, M.Sc. Inventory of open biodiversity data in Quebec, and creation of decision-helping tools.

Émilie Vinet

2018, BSc research assistant. Machine learning techniques to produce dynamics maps of land use from digitized and numeric maps.

Ethan Lamy

2023, B.Sc. research assistant. Trophic regulation of biting vector by omnivorous bats.

Eva Delmas

2015-2020, Ph.D. Causes and consequences in the relationships between food web structure and ecosystem functioning. Co-advisor: Daniel B. Stouffer.

Fares Dhane

2019, M.Sc. Training of a neural network for mammals recognition in Québec. Advisor: Andrew MacDonald.

Gracielle Higino

2019-2020, visiting Ph.D. Biological interactions, environmental variables, and biogeographical species distributions.

Grégoire Bonenfant

2017, BSc research assistant. Measures of species complementarity in quantitative networks.

Iman Sicot

2020, BSc research assistant. Survey of data on food webs in North America.

Joseph B. Burant

2020-, Post-doctoral fellow with the Living Data Project.

Kari Norman

2022-2023, Post-doctoral researcher. Development of multi-criteria monitoring and biosurveillance networks.

Kiri Stern

2020, M.Sc. Neural networks for rapid connectivity analyses. 2019, M.Sc. Prey use of generalist predators across their range.

Luisa Novara

2020, Research assistant. Preparation of data for the forecasting of coronaviruses epidemic risk.

Marie-Andrée Ouellet

2020, M.Sc. research intern. Singular Value Decomposition as an imputation method for host-virus detection.

Mathilde Besson

2016-2022, Ph.D. Eco-evolutionary dynamics in networks of positive and negative interactions. Co-advisor: Dominique Gravel.

Mathis Gheno

2023, M.Sc. international visitor. Identification of structurally important interactions in network data.

Michiel Stock

2017-2018, visting post-doctoral researcher. Pairwise learning to predict the structure of ecological networks.

Miléna Aragon

2020, M.Sc. research assistant. Development of indicators for the communication of urban biodiversity trends.

Nerea Montes Perez

2023-, visiting Ph.D. Spatial structure of plant-pollination networks in Europe. Advisor: Ignasi Bartomeus.

Philippe Desjardins-Proulx

2019-2023, Post-doctoral researcher. Type theory and higher-order probabilistic programming for ecological synthesis. 2014-2018, Ph.D. Artificial Intelligence applied to theory building for ecological synthesis. Advisor: Dominique Gravel.

Piotr Szefer

2018, visiting Ph.D. Implementation of structural models of food web structure.

Renaud McKinnon

2013-2016, M.Sc. Interactions between trees from experimental plantations and their microbial ectosymbionts.

Salomé Bouskila

2021-2022, M.Sc. research intern. Pathogen sharing in the global virome.

Samuel Provencher-Tardif

2021, M.Sc. research intern. Meta-models for inference and forecasting of biodiversity uniqueness. 2022, M.Sc. research intern. Ethical implications of the use of UAVs for biodiversity research.

Sandrine Soeharjono

2019, M.Sc. Development of indicators based on eBird data to survey urban biodiversity changes in Montréal.

Sarahdghyn Louissaint

2024, M.Sc. research intern. Meta-analysis of surveillance strategies for the Racoon rabies virus in Eastern Canada/United States.

Stéphanie Préfontaine

2017-2020, M.Sc. Impacts of temperature on the metabolic rates of ecological communities. Advisor: Dominique Gravel.

Stéphanie Shousha

2023-2025, Post-doctoral researcher. Natural and human influences on coupled carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in watersheds. Advisor: Roxane Maranger.

Steve Vissault

2019-2020, Ph.D. Automated aggregation, synthesis, and forecasting of unstructured biodiversity data. 2018-2019, Staff scientist. Improvements on the database backend and frontend.

Tanya Strydom

2020-2024, Ph.D. Common properties of species interactions networks across space.

Valentine Volz

2020, B.Sc. research assistant. Structural analysis of the host-sharing network of coronaviruses. 2021-2023, M.Sc. Spatial structure of ecological networks over large gradients.

Zachary Bélisle

2018, M.Sc. Variation in the composition of insect communities in forest fragments. Advisor: Colin Favret. 2017-2018, BSc Hons. Robustness of permutation tests for the analysis of ecological network structure.